Villa Collina Guests
Rules | Good Behavior | For the enjoyment of us all

Rules for stays in Villa Collina

Anyone staying in Villa Collina, owners, tenants and guests are always required to comply with the applicable rules.
The main topics for tenants and guests are:
Care must be responsible and considerate behavior towards neighbors, community and common areas
Noisy behavior, especially during night hours, limited as to the building is very sound
To use the common areas including the beach, one must be in possession of a valid identification card issued by the board of Condominio Villa Collina.
At the swimming pool and the tennis court is set up specific rules for the use of these facilities. It is a condition of use that these rules.
Parking should as far as possible be avoided on the municipal road. Use garages, descents and the common parking.
Driving on public roads must be adapted to the conditions, so drive slowly, there is poor visibility and may be children on the roads.
It is allowed to have pets in Villa Collinas area.
• The livestock must be on a leash when they are outside the individual owner's property.
• Each owner is liable to the other owners and to Villa Collina to supervise livestock and for any damage caused by them to people and / or things.
• Animals need to be kept in such a way that they do not disturb the neighbors.
• Any excrement from domestic animals must be collected and disposed of by the owner.
If the above obligations are not complied with, the Condominio Villa Collina the right to require the pet removed from the area.

The complete rules are here: Villa Collina

Villa Collina

Villa Collina

Villa Collina

Villa Collina

Villa Collina